Credit rating
LHV Group
The rating agency Moody's Investors Service updated on 14 April 2024 LHV Group’s Baa3 long-term local currency issuer rating, with a stable outlook. LHV Group’s unsecured and exposed debt obligations have been rated Baa3 by Moody's.
The outlook on LHV Group's issuer rating is positive.
LHV Pank
LHV Pank’s foreign and local currency long-term bank deposit rating is A3. The long-term deposits of LHV Pank carry a positive outlook. The credit rating has been assigned by Moody’s Investors Service on 12 April 2024.
Ratings assigned to LHV Pank by Moody’s Investors Service:
- Long- and short-term counterparty risk assessment of A3(cr)/Prime-2(cr)
- Long- and short-term counterparty risk rating of A3/Prime-2
- Foreign- and local currency long-term bank deposit rating A3
- Foreign- and local currency short-term bank deposit rating Prime-2
- Baseline credit assessment (BCA) baa3
- Adjusted baseline credit assessment baa3
- The rating carries a positive outlook.
Ratings assigned to LHV Pank’s mortgage covered bonds by Moody’s Investors Service:
- Aa1 longterm rating to the mortgage covered bonds (assigned on 9 June 2020).