
AS LHV Group has a total of 324 188 933 ordinary shares, with a nominal value of 0.1 euro. As at 28.02.2025, AS LHV Group has 38 839 shareholders. As of the same day, 43,62% of the shares belong to the members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board and to persons associated with them. The shareholders with significant shareholdings are Rain Lõhmus and persons related to him, owning a total of 21.18% of the share capital, and Andres Viisemann and persons related to him, owning a total of 11.04% of the share capital.

Breakdown of shareholders as at 28.02.2025

Number of sharesNumber of shareholdersProportion in the number of shareholdersNumber of sharesProportion in the number of shares
1 – 1 00030 96179,72%6 174 1151,90%
1 001 – 10 0006 71717,29%19 861 8826,13%
10 001 – 100 0009842,53%26 271 8148,10%
100 001 – 1 000 0001370,35%39 614 91612,22%
> 1 000 000410,11%233 266 20671,95%
InvestorNumber of shareholdersProportion in the number of shareholdersNumber of sharesProportion in the number of shares
Private investors and their investment companies38 82699,97%323 077 75599,66%
Financial institutions60,02%1 098 7220,34%
Non-profit associations60,02%9 6460,00%
Insurance undertakings10,00%2 8100,00%

Top ten shareholders as at 31.01.2025

Number of sharesParticipationName of shareholder
37 162 07011,46%AS LÕHMUS HOLDINGS
35 210 37010,86%Viisemann Investments AG
25 449 4707,85%Rain Lõhmus
12 446 0703,84%Krenno OÜ
11 310 0003,49%AS Genteel
10 828 2103,34%Ambient Sound Investments OÜ
7 188 9902,22%SIA Krugmans
6 691 0202,06%Bonaares OÜ
6 037 5901,86%Osaühing Merona Systems
5 437 6401,68%AS AMALFI

Shares held by the shareholders do not grant any specific right of control, or voting rights. AS LHV Group is not aware of any shareholders’ agreements, concluded with the aim of coordinating the execution of shareholders' rights.